Second-homeowners have options 

Here are four ways to solve second-home maintenance woes:

1. The property management company

Hiring a management company to look after a second home is one option. They can open and close the house, handle rentals (if applicable) and respond to emergencies. In most cases, the company can also arrange for cleaning and hire local maintenance workers to handle repairs so the home is in tip-top shape for the owners’ arrival.

This is a popular choice for owners who live far away and want to rent out their property when not in use. Management companies generally charge a percentage of the rental price, and this can range from 20 percent to 60 percent.

If you’ve stayed in a vacation rental yourself, you know…

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7 Home Fixes You Must Complete Before Selling

Prioritize the projects that will bring the most value


The process of getting a property ready to put on the market can seem daunting enough. There’s clearing the clutter, endless amounts of cleaning, organizing and scrutinizing your property with a fine-tooth comb. What needs attention and what can you leave alone?

Welcome to the new world of “fixing to sell.” Gone are the days of throwing it on the market and seeing what happens. Prepping for sale is a highly choreographed dance of repair along with a bit of renovation and presentation.

Don’t ignore these seven areas.

1. Structural and mechanical

It might not be glamorous, but buyers are looking at big-ticket items like the age…

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